The landing page or entry page of
your visitors is the most important page to your website. This page is likely
to be your home page if you happen to be promoting your website more often than your other sub-directory pages as in
Your visitor, who happens to be a very busy
individual, is not very likely to stay for more than a minute if you fail to
capture his attention once he lands on your website. When your visitor lands on
your page, he or she is likely to have the thought “What is in it for me?” You
must be able to capture his or her attention on what is immediately visible
before he or spends more time browsing your website.
So what information you put above the fold is crucial. Above the fold means what appears on the screen in the browser, without the need for your visitor to scroll down or to the right of your sales page.Here are 6 easy ways to create and improve on your landing page:
Consider having an opt-in box or box to capture
your visitor’s email contact on the entry page.It is recommended to have an
opt-in box at all cost. Statistics show that your online customer needs to
visit your website at least 7 times of exposure before he or she purchases
anything. Therefore, your single most important job is to capture his or her
contact information. You can then maintain email contact and remind him or her
to visit your website again.
your opt-in box visible. Some examples on how to make it visible include:
- Choose a background color for the subscription
box to make it stand out. You are in fact, creating a visual to draw
your visitor’s eyes to the opt-in box.
- Placement of the subscription box should be preferably
above the fold or in a pop-up. However, do note that more recently, the
latter (pop-up) option has proven to be less effective in getting opt-ins
due to over-usage by website owners.
- Offer a freebie to get your opt-in and spell out this
freebie clearly near the subscription box. This makes it easier for the
visitor to mentally connect the freebie to opting in.
Have a killer headline. The headline must
promise the single most important benefit to your visitor. Use killer words for
instance like amazing, breakthrough, instantly and finally, and make your
headline stand out with a bigger font or boding it.
pay special attention to the top few lines following the headline and those
that appear above the fold. I suggest that you try having 2 or 3 sub-benefits
as your top few sentences, after your killer headline.
Use images that help. One example is to include
your own photo if you are branding yourself as an expert in a particular niche.
Avoid using excessively large image files. I
have seen a couple of websites that put in too many images on their landing
page and as it took forever to load, I left without waiting.After creating your
landing page, you must continue to keep testing and improving it. It can be
changing your killer headlines, the background color of your opt-in
box or even the banner image that you put right at the top. I change my
landing page every once in a while
, to track responses. I hope you do too!