How to Create a Membership Website for Residual Income

Knowing how to create a membership website will enable you to enjoy the benefits of a residual income without too much extra effort. In fact, the term 'residual income' is misused, even though it is very commonly used online to refer to income that is generated month in month out with almost no effort other than the initial set-up.

The term 'residual' actually means 'left over,' and the correct word to use should be 'enduring', because when learn how to create a membership website with an ever-increasing number of members paying each month you will enjoy an enduring income for as long as you wish, and there is nothing residual about a subscription site!

In order to generate membership sites - and the more you create the more money you will make - you will require suitable software. Certainly, you can study and master content management systems such as Drupal or Joomla and build a membership site from scratch, but that seems a great deal of effort when there is software available that will enable you to have your first membership subscription site up and running the same day.

Using modern software you have no to learn how to create a membership website from scratch: you simply click a few buttons and you have a money-making machine that will last you a lifetime. There are several subscription site software packages available for you online.

You will also need information to offer your members. Nobody is going to make a regular monthly payment unless they find the membership of use to them. It's not enough just to offer them sales pages of products and wait for them to buy from your affiliate links - they can get all that free online, and likely with more bonuses you are offering them. You must give your members an incentive to remain members.

There three important ways in which you can achieve that:

a) Give them good information about their niche. Any membership site must be niche-oriented, which is why a subscription site is such a great idea. You can learn how to create a membership website for each different niche, so you have multiple sources of income. That is one of the secrets of making real money online: get your first subscription site running almost on autopilot, and then generate another.

Once you have learned how create a membership website, you must offer your members good information on the niche, whether that is marine aquariums or American lighthouses. Both of these are niches that you can make money from, but you must learn about the topic and put a few good articles up on your site free for members to read. You can also have a few PDF eBooks for sale and maybe even physical products, all sold under your affiliate links.

b) Keep them interested. If you keep your membership interested enough to want to keep return to the membership website then they are more liable to pass the information on to their buddies. They are also more liable to buy from your site, but one of the major benefits here is that you receive an income from your members whether they buy or not!

To keep your members interested you can add forum software to your site (free online if you know where to look) or a simply a blog, where people can comment and ask questions. They then feel part of the site and will tend to visit more frequently - a must if you want to keep your members for more than just a month or two. The most successful membership websites are those where members can chat to each other.

c) Naturally you want to sell products from your site. These may be your own products or affiliate products. In order to achieve this, you should first set up review pages for each of the products you are promoting. Discuss the pros and cons of each product, and why you believe they may benefit your members.

You can do this in a number of ways, but one way is to review the product as a pre-sales page, and then send your members to the merchant sales page. This is particularly effective with products sold through ClickBank, because every ClickBank product must have a sales page. However, if you create a membership website populated with nothing but links to sales pages, you will not make much residual income!

When you are learning how to create a membership website, it is of extreme importance to understand the concept of value - value of your site to members who are paying to get access to it. You should set up your subscription site for them, and not for you.

It must offer them lots of useful information, and if you know how to create a membership website as an information site, not a sales site, and give your members information, the ability to speak to each other, FAQ's, support (even if just an email address) and occasional products, then that will bring you residual income - or enduring income - for years to come.

I have 3 year experience in WordPress.I am available online 10x6 hours (USA time Zone). 

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1. WordPress Theme Create & Customization.
2. WordPress Error fix & CSS problem fix. 
3. PSD to WordPress Conversion. 
4. WordPress Membership and E commerce site create. 
5. Clone any kind of website. 
6. Landing page & Email template create.

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